Standing in Your Truth With Yanni

You're a light that can't be hidden, so stop trying to dim yourself.

Yanni Thomas Season 4 Episode 1

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The freedom that comes from realizing "You're not meant for everyone" can be utterly life-changing. Returning for Season 4 of Standing in Your Truth, newly-married host Yanni Thomas explores this powerful life motto that liberated her from the prison of people-pleasing.

Yanni vulnerably shares how she would shrink her naturally bubbly, kind, and admittedly loud personality around certain people, attempting to contort herself into whatever shape would gain their approval. This pattern led to feelings of depression and disconnection from her authentic self until a simple truth set her free: just as not everyone enjoys every food (Yanni's limited appreciation for sushi serves as her example), not everyone will appreciate your unique gifts and personality—and that's perfectly okay.

Drawing from Matthew 5:14-16, Yanni reminds listeners they are called to be "the light of the world" and "salt of the earth"—not hidden or bland to accommodate others' preferences. She challenges listeners to evaluate their social circles: "Are you surrounded by people you're having to shrink for?" Before relationships damage your mental, physical, or spiritual health, recognize when environments aren't supporting your authentic self and have the courage to step away.

The episode closes with powerful encouragement for anyone feeling alone or unseen. "You are loved, you are needed, you are wanted, and you are made to do amazing things. Don't let anyone tell you different." God created only one version of you, with unique contributions only you can offer the world. Stop hiding, embrace your authenticity, and let your light shine—those who don't appreciate it simply aren't your people.

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Speaker 1:

Hello everyone, welcome to Standing In your Truth podcast with your host, yanni. On this podcast you'll hear Yanni, family and friends having open-ended discussions on anything from faith, finances, relationships and how to stay motivated during life's trying times. Make sure to follow on all social media platforms. The social media link is in the bio. Sit back and get ready to enjoy.

Speaker 2:

Hello everyone, welcome to season four of Standing in your Truth podcast. I am your host. Now goes by Yanni Thomas. How are you guys doing? Happy 2025. I know it's a little late, mind your business, but happy new year, hope all is well. We are heading into spring break, at least in Texas anyway. So for those who may be listening, driving, I just say be careful and have a fun trip, make memories, memories. But how are you guys doing? I'm doing. Great thanks for asking.

Speaker 2:

Um, let's see a little life update. Your girl got married in November. Um, I was able to start a new job in November as well. That allows me to be able to give back to the community but at the same time, have the wonderful state of Texas benefits. Um, what else I have going on? I'm still in school. I'm studying for my business. I don't think it's called business management, but it's pretty much business management, business management at Odessa College. I have one more year starting in fall. For them to pay for school again for fall and spring. That's exciting. What else do I have going on? I think that's about it. Honestly, my life I am relationship with God, marriage, school, family and then giving back to the community, which is so new territory for me because, as crazy as it sounds, I feel like at one point I was putting giving back to the community before my relationship with God. So yeah, just.

Speaker 1:

I know not good.

Speaker 2:

I know that's how I got burnt out, um, and why my life currently is a little slower. I still give back and, you know, poke my head in from time to time, but, um, I'm definitely more focused on um, being at home more and loving on myself and loving on my husband. So it's been nice. But, um, for season four, I'm excited and we will be talking about life models. Um, for those who like life models, what does that exactly remind me? I? I personally think they're just like little catchphrases that we don't realize, but that are either we live by or that have shaped us.

Speaker 2:

So my goal is to sit down with friends, family, even some strangers, and talk about life models, and you know what they're, what theirs are are, um, and when they kind of get introduced to their life, whether it be something they've been you know saying or hearing since a kid, or something, um that they recently picked up on. So I'm kind of excited about that. I feel like it's going to be an extra um learning curve for us and also, um, some of them I would definitely I shouldn't say some of them, most of them anyway I will be asking, like you know, how does your life model um affect your walk with christ? What does that look like? So I think that's an important question, um, but yeah, so let's get right on to into it. My life motto is my drum roll. By the way, um, you're not meant for everyone, I know. I know you're like dang, that's good, yep, it is um.

Speaker 2:

This is one that I think I had to learn the hard way, um, I would say maybe about a year and a half ago, or last year maybe, and I've kind of been living it out and reminding myself of this quite often the last six months. I feel like and honestly, I think Aaron is the one that told me this, but I feel like once I heard it it brought a sense of freedom, because a lot of times I like had to learn therapy, that I'm a people pleaser and I try to obviously please people and I would. Doesn't sound good, but it's the truth. I was trying to like, trying to change some things like about myself. Like you know, I traditionally am a very bubbly, kind, um, loud, sorry, it's the truth person and I would get around certain people and try to um, to shrink and to change and to not be myself and in some um, I think it created some depression for myself because I'm not being me, I'm hiding myself and I had to realize, thanks to him, that not everyone's going to like you. You're not meant for everyone. There are certain people that will enjoy you more than others. It's going to sound crazy, sound crazy, but you know there's different foods all across the world, but does that mean that everyone likes everything? No, that doesn't mean that um, like the food. Let me see what's something that I really just don't like. This is sad. The fact that I was thinking about something I don't like is a problem, which is why I go to the gym anyway. I digress.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'll give you I think I have a decent example. So I'm not a huge fan of sushi. I think sushi is great from time to time. I can eat it maybe twice a year maybe and like the idea of having a whole roll most times is a stretch for me. Like I can take two bites um of either mine or you know, two bites of errands, and be done, and then on top of that, most times I'm getting very basic sushi rolls. So, like the ones with cream cheese, avocado, like basic, that doesn't mean that sushi is not good. See, my girl loves sushi. Aaron loves sushi. Like loves, like you can give it to him as a snack before his meal and he'd be quite happy. So, like I said, this means it's not good, this means I don't like it. Now, the difference obviously comes in the fact of like I sit here and say that I don't like sushi, but I'm not like dragging it or talking you know really bad about it, or wishing it bad or trying to convince Aaron not to eat it.

Speaker 2:

I think that's when things get to be a little iffy, is when people feel the need to talk about the other person negatively when they feel the need to try to stop them from things that God has for them. Fun fact if God has it for you, can't nobody stop it. So Sarah may try oh, my friend, sarah't listen to this, that's a bad name choice, joe. Oh, I know somebody named Joe too. Anyway, somebody may try to stop you, but they can't stop you at all. That is not. That reminds me. Actually, there's a verse that I have been quite thoroughly enjoying this season of my life, but it's Matthew 14 through 16. I'm going to kind of paraphrase it, but it pretty much is just saying like you're the light of this world, a town built on a hill cannot Wait what A town built on a hill cannot be hidden okay let me try to paraphrase I should have paraphrased because me trying to read, I confused myself but pretty much what the verse is saying is you're in light of this world.

Speaker 2:

That cannot be hidden. The people like uh, they try to hide you and that's not what you're meant. You're not meant to be hidden, you're meant to be out being seen. That goes for myself too. I had to realize that that it was like hey, sis, these people may not like you or may not care for you. Um, why are you sitting here trying to, um, appease them and belittle yourself and hide in the corner, when that is not what God has called you to do or be? I am called to be the, the salt and the light of this world, and guess what? So are you so salt and light? So obviously we talked about light already.

Speaker 2:

The salt I personally see it as like you bring the, the flavor to um, the people you're around, and no one wants bland food. The people who want bland food, they haven't experienced the salt, which is why you need to help them out. Go get them some. We use Sloppy Amama seasoning in our house or Tony Satcher's. Okay, bring them some flavor, show them something different. If they don't appreciate it, that's fine. Let them keep eating bland, but at least show them, plant the seed and allow them to figure the rest out on their own if they actually are ready to receive the flavor or not.

Speaker 2:

And I think also it's important to discuss the importance of just standing firm. Someone isn't like you. They're trying to come persuade you. You brought your light, you brought your salt, your flavor, and here they are trying to trying to come and get you to change. Stand firm on your morals, your beliefs, on whatever the situation is. Realize that you're around a person that is trying to change you and know when to let it go and let God, or when to fight. I think a lot of times we do ourselves such a disservice by being friends or even hanging at a job or organization longer and we know we know that it's not working out or it's bringing you down. I realized that before it becomes where it affects with your mental health, physical health or spiritual health. That is important Cause people don't like you trying to tear you down. And here you go, let them tear you down. Then you end up miserable, broke, bland, in the dark, trying to figure out how you got there. Luckily the Lord's still with you and you know, definitely, um, help you get out of the situation, but catch it before it gets that that deep. That's all I really have.

Speaker 2:

Guys, remember that we're not meant for everyone, and that's okay. Find who, find who you're meant for, find a group of people that love you, that encourage you, that uplift you and I will also say that, challenge you. You don't want a bunch of yes, men around you. You want someone that can tell you you know, hey, you're wrong, obviously with love, but can correct you. I think with that comes growth and that's how you become the best human being that you can possibly be.

Speaker 2:

So I have a call to action for you guys. Excuse me, I want you to stop and think are you surrounded by people, um, that you're having to shrink up for change for, um, that you saw? You sometimes can, um, or you sometimes think and realize that you know what? These are not my people, they don't actually like me. And if you do, I challenge you to take a step in removing yourself out of that situation. And if you do this call of action and take that step, inbox me, let me know. I would love to hear your feedback on this episode and actually, honestly, I would say, all of the episodes this season. I want to know how these impacted your life. If you're going to add this to your life models, or if you have one that you want to share, let me know. Another thing that we're going to change up for this season is, um, instead of ending with the prayer that I have done on previous seasons, um, we're going to do words of encouragement instead.

Speaker 2:

So, for those that are listening, I want you to know that you're never alone. Holy Spirit, god, is always right there with you. You are never alone. You have well, some of us anyway, have friends and family around. If you're going through a struggle, find a safe person to lean on. Obviously, it's up to you to how much you want to let them in, but I would just say find a safe person. You should never alone and pray about it. If you really feel like you're alone and you can't trust anyone that's around you, I say pray to God that he can send someone your way that's safe and that can help you during your moment that you're in in life right now. I don't know. I just I always have. It's a special place because I was like, especially with my last marriage, that there was a point where I felt alone. And being alone and being depressed is hard and I think it makes depression 12 times worse and at that point I didn't have a relationship with God to know that, technically, I'm never alone, ever.

Speaker 2:

So I want you guys to know you're never alone. You are loved, you are seen, you are heard, you are needed, you are wanted and you are made to do amazing things. Don't let no one tell you anything different. Remember that God only made one you, so that is your superpowers. There's things that only you can offer this world. No one else can. I mean. How cool is that? The only one me. Probably for a good reason though, because I mean I'm a little throwed off or, as aaron says, a little weird, but whatever. But um, it's only one of you. So go be you and stop trying to hide and change and be something else, and the people that don't like you being you, that's their problem, not yours. Bye.

Speaker 1:

Y'all have a great day. Thank you for listening to another episode of Standing in your Truth with Yanni. And if no one told you today, you are loved, you are beautiful, you are needed and you matter, be sure to follow on Facebook at Standing in your Truth Podcast with Yanni. Also on Instagram Talks with Yanni.

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