Standing in Your Truth With Yanni

Finding Positivity Through Family and Scholarship Success

Yanni Jones Season 3 Episode 17

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What if reconnecting with family could change your life? This episode is a warm journey through my recent experiences, from an uplifting return to school at Odessa Community College to the heartwarming joy of a family reunion. Hear about the unique benefits of the Presidential Positive OC Scholarship and how its emphasis on community service and positivity has been a game-changer for me. I also share a rough Monday turned bright thanks to an inspiring positivity-focused meeting, which serves as a reminder of the power of a supportive community. 

Additionally, I'm thrilled to recount the priceless moments of having my family visit from California. Meeting my nephew for the first time and showing my loved ones around Odessa has been a testament to my personal growth and improved mental health through counseling. This reunion was not just about reconnecting but also about recognizing the strides I've made in creating a happier, healthier life. Tune in for an episode filled with personal triumphs and the radiant positivity that's guiding my journey.

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Speaker 1:

Hello everyone, welcome to Standing In your Truth podcast with your host, yanni. On this podcast you'll hear Yanni, family and friends having open-ended discussions on anything from faith, finances, relationships and how to stay motivated during life's trying times. Make sure to follow on all social media platforms. The social media link is in the bio. Sit back and get ready to enjoy.

Speaker 2:

I'm back. I really probably should stop doing this. I definitely need to start posting more consistently, but that's another note. Hello everyone, welcome to another episode of Standing In your Truth Podcast. I am your host, yanni Jones. Welcome. How have you guys been? I really think the last time I recorded a podcast episode was the beginning of this year, eeks. So I just think it's time for a good old life update and to bring you guys up to kind of what I've currently been doing and all that good stuff.

Speaker 2:

For those who don't follow me on social media, if you're on social media, then you kind of know what's going on. But so I am back in school, which is very exciting for me. I am back in school, which is very exciting for me. I think this time around looks different. I know it sounds crazy, because I've been to plenty of online schools, but this one is different just because I am an online student, but at a local campus. So I'm a student at Odessa Community College.

Speaker 2:

I was happy to be able to receive the Presidential Positive VOC Scholarship. So what that means is, for two years for me, school is paid for, which is very exciting. But what's more exciting is what this program requirements are, which sounds crazy, but the requirements are 16 hours of community service. We have to post positive things online on Twitter and we also have to keep a certain GPA, attend monthly meetings. And while these requirements for some people they may be like what the heck, I honestly think these requirements is what my life actually needs. What I mean by that is, if you know me, you know that I love volunteering. Like volunteering just is like a cup of coffee for me. It fills me up to keep going. So you know, that's one thing that I just love doing and the not this last Monday, but the last time we had a Monday meeting I had. I was having a very rough day, like it was giving Monday vibes for sure. Um, so to be able to walk in a meeting and the whole meeting is about, um, positivity and how to show it, how can we spread it, um and it. It just gave me that jump, but it kind of I don't if anyone walked out of that meeting feeling the same. I don't know how, or maybe it was just me and I needed the meeting, but that's nice. And then obviously I mean you want, everyone wants to have A's and B's and to keep their grades up, so that's been nice. You get to also meet some really amazing individuals that are doing amazing things in the community, and I think to be a part of this, you also have to have a like mind as far as wanting to spread positivity. So that's nice as well. So school's going great.

Speaker 2:

I started technically in the summer, so I'm in my first fall at OC and I'm enjoying it being a non-traditional online student. And then also, so like last week, I had my family came down from California, so I had my brother, my sister-in-law, my nephew that I hadn't had a chance to meet. He was, I think, like 17 months at the time. He was 18 months now but, um, he came down, got to meet him for the first time, my sister, my mom, so, um, it's been a long time. I actually a really long time. I don't think we've ever really all been together at least not for long, because they were out here for a week For us to be able to host them here at the house and spend some time, a love on them and then show them all the amazing things that Odessa has to offer. It was quite lovely. I was able to see how I have grown, I think for sure, with counseling and just working through some things, it just made this experience with them just so much lighter and easier, since I'm in a healthier place mentally, um, so that was nice, um. And then also, I don't know if I mentioned before when I was on here, which I probably should have, because I think at that time I was definitely already signed up, but I am a part of the big brothers, big sisters program, so I have a little which is so much fun. I don't know I they do a great job of telling you what the program is, for sure, but, um, 45 minutes a day, I mean, for, yeah, 45 minutes a week.

Speaker 2:

I'm trying out a day a week that I get to spend with her um, and I kind of get to choose for the most part what we do. I get, I think, about what she's interested in for sure, but I get to pour into her. So we've made a positive affirmation jars, um, bracelets, just had conversation, we've done homework together, um, and I realized for me the reason why I really enjoy it so much is it gives me a chance to um, I don't want to say step out of reality, but I just, you know, obviously put my phone up and I'm just focused on her for that 45 minutes to an hour and she gets all my attention and I think that is just I don't know it's. It's nice, like a breath of fresh air. Then I also go see her at the um boys and girls club, the woodson on the south side of odessa. So also while I'm pouring into her I get to meet all these other amazing kids, um, and get to love on them as well. So it's just really nice.

Speaker 2:

If you're interested in becoming a big, I highly suggest you get plugged in to your local chapter. It's definitely worth it. They have more than one option. If you don't have the opportunity to go see them during the week, you can go on the weekend and have a community one as well, which is really cool, um, but just to be able to swing over there after work has been nice, um. I've also been doing a lot of community service projects with between hope alive church and leading outreach there. We've given backpacks to mch outreach foundation.

Speaker 2:

Um. They have a grandparents program which I thought was really really cute and cool. They support grandparents that are taking care of their grandkids and we all know most times grandparents are on fixed income. Sometimes their health isn't the best. So as a church we wanted to come in and support those grandparents. So we provided the kids that are signed up I think it was like 45 kids, 12 families or something like that um, we provided them with school supplies, so that was one less need that the grandparent had to worry about. Maybe next year we'll be able to do school supplies and clothes, because I know the clothes is a tough one too. So, but but doing that, um, and it's been nice.

Speaker 2:

And then I think also what I'm realizing is I know it sounds crazy, but I can't help everyone, even though I do have a servant's heart and I feel like I can. I can't, um, and I have to step back and be very intentional about where I'm giving my time, to make sure that I am giving the best of me when I'm giving my time and not giving an organization no leftovers or the tired version of yawning, because that's just not fair to anyone. So I'm just realizing that you have to take some steps back for some organizations and some things. And my plate is definitely not as full at all and I love it, I wouldn't change it. I am wholeheartedly enjoying life and I don't think I've felt this light and full of joy in a long time. I would definitely say probably the last six months to a year, fighting my voice, fighting when to use my voice, really honing in on what I actually like, what I want to do. My goal is to open a community center. I don't know why, but that, right there, that that is me Like. I want to be able to provide the community that I'm a part of with different classes, life skill classes, first time homebuyers classes, fix your credit class, maybe English to Spanish, spanish to English, sign language. Those are just some examples of things that I would like to be able to provide. So that's something that's in my head and I have to just figure out how to get it on paper for sure. But other than that, I have just been enjoying life.

Speaker 2:

You know, I went through premarital counseling with Aaron. I highly suggest, by the way, if you are thinking about getting serious with someone, to definitely do it. I jumped around, which is probably not really funny, but whatever, if I would have had this type of counseling when I got married the first time, I probably wouldn't have got married. That's just the honest truth, because you were able to touch on those hard subjects. You know the in-laws. How do you want to raise kids? If you want kids money to death, do you part? Those are just some of the topics that we discussed and I didn't get that conversation the first time so I wasn't able to make sure that for the most part. You know that we're aligned and you know the communication is there where this go around. We've always had um open and honest conversation, so it just made it so much easier.

Speaker 2:

But with that counseling also, um, I had to realize that for the most part I was not in safe places to be able to share my feelings. So you know, my feelings for me for the most part were like sad, mad, angry. Well, there's more feelings than that. So we went through counseling at Hope Alive Church. So we had Pastor Martha was our counselor and she, you know, gave me a feelings chart and I was like whoa and I remember I don't even remember the question she asked me but she was like how, how were you feeling in that moment? And I wasn't able to express it, mainly because you know, I knew the basic three feelings and when she gave me that chart I was like wow, like you have been suppressing your feelings and trying to fit in these little boxes, when there's just more than that. So you know, with conversations like that, you know you begin to or continue to heal, and obviously me, healing not only helps me but it also helps my relationship. I have no clue where that sound came from, by the way, that is funny. But, um, it's been nice, like literally, I'm just, I'm grateful, I'm thankful, um, full of joy. I guess she.

Speaker 2:

No, I guess I shouldn't say I guess you can say, because you can definitely say it, I am wholeheartedly in love and just enjoying life. Um, I no longer put myself in places and spaces where I don't feel safe and, whether that be physically or emotionally, I'm like it's not worth it, it's not worth my peace, um, it's not worth me being uncomfortable. My health and mental health, um, come first. I guess you can say I've, I'm finding my why and my reason for living and I'm enjoying it. And I would definitely definitely suggest that, if you have not found yours, to dig deep and find it. And life does not have to be hard. Yes, there's hard moments, but life just every single day keeps going. It doesn't have to be that Something has to change Something I would say that you're doing needs to change, I think, for me.

Speaker 2:

I thought I could help everyone and do everything, so I was stretched, overstretched, um, honestly, I think I had reached burnout and I had to tap in and realize, hey, what am I doing? Some of these spaces that I'm walking into and they're causing me all this discomfort and it's just not a healthy space for me and I'm like, why am I there? And I also had to realize that I didn't pray for some of this stuff before I just jumped into it. I just jumped into it because I thought it sounded good and I was doing some good. Little do I know, just because it sounds good and I'm doing some good, it's not me and it came from God. So I had to take some steps back and be like, okay, lord, help me fix what I just did, because I don't think any of this is where I and space to be present and to hear him and um realize that, no, that's why you're getting burned out, cause you ain't supposed to be doing all that. So that's just, um, my take on that.

Speaker 2:

I don't think I really have too much else going on, honestly, just enjoying life, um. So, yeah, I, I'm gonna pray for us, heavenly father. Thank you, lord, for allowing us to see another day. Lord, I just pray for the listener that's listening to this um, that they they don't have a relationship with you, lord, that they will get one. Um, that's something that I said on this podcast will plant a seed and that someone will come along and just water it. Father, for those who do know you, lord, it's probably just continuing to look to you to guide them through life, um, and allow them to be filled with joy. I feel like joy is something different from happiness. Joys cannot be taken away. With the good and the bad, you still have joy. There's always, um, in situations that may be tough, there's always something there that is a positive moment or a positive thing, lord. So I just say thank you. Thank you again, god, and we love you In Jesus' name. I pray Amen. Bye, guys, have a great day.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to another episode of Standing in your Truth with Yanni. And if no one told you today, you are loved, you are beautiful, you are needed and you matter. Be sure to follow on Facebook at Standing in your Truth Podcast with Yanni. Also on Instagram Talks with Yanni.

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