Standing in Your Truth With Yanni

Reflecting on Life's Seasons: The Journey of Self-Assertion, Letting Go, and Embracing Community Support

Yanni Jones Season 2 Episode 20

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Saying farewell to 2023 was like closing a profound chapter in my book of life, one that taught me the art of self-assertion and the power of letting go. As I, Yanni, sit down to share these transformative lessons, you'll be touched by the tree analogy that reshaped my perspective on relationships—identifying those who are leaves, branches, or the roots in our lives. This episode will strike a chord with anyone grappling with the complexity of human connections, ego, and pride. I illuminate my struggles, bare my soul about the clashes within my closest relationship, and recount how a sermon opened my eyes to the essence of humility and love.

Gratitude flows abundantly as I extend a heartfelt thank you to the tribe that has been my bedrock through life's tumultuous storms. Our conversation spirals from the theme of unyielding perseverance to an intimate discussion about faith and its deeply personal journey with the divine. Discover the significance of life's seasons, and feel the embrace of a community that affirms your worth and love. Together, let's usher in 2024, equipped with the wisdom to cherish unwavering support and the relentless drive to flourish, no matter the odds. Join me in this sanctuary of reflection and encouragement—it's a celebration of growth and the undying spirit of connection.

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Speaker 1:

Hello everyone, welcome to season two of standing your truth podcast. I'm your host, yanni. On this podcast, you will hear myself, family and friends having open ended discussions on anything from faith, finances, relationships and how to stay motivated during life trying times. Make sure you follow me on all. My social media link is in the bio. Sit back and get ready to enjoy.

Speaker 2:

Well, well, well. Hello everyone, welcome to another episode of standing your truth podcast with your host, yanni. Um, it's the last Friday of 2023. I was like going to skip recording this morning. We learned recording this morning, friday morning, but I was going to skip and I was like, no, I feel like I have to like it's the last Friday. I dropped on Friday. This is the last one, I cannot miss this. So I got up and I'm here and the last night I kind of took some time to think about, like, what my 2023 was and what I've learned and what the journey's been and it's been a beautiful one for sure, Um, and kind of want to point out go over some of those things and you know, just talk from there.

Speaker 2:

But, um, I think one of the main things I take away from 2023 is, um, I have learned how to stand up for myself and when I don't feel comfortable removing myself from a situation, um, or where I felt like a situation is not, um, conducive for the woman that God has me to be, I just remove myself. Um, and that's something that I have not always done and, looking back at it, I was like, oh yeah, you know, you, you, you figured that out, you know. So I kind of gave myself a little pat on the back. I can see the growth there. So that was pretty cool, um for sure, and something that I've, um definitely can say I benefited from, because before I would stay in environments well, they weren't conducive for me and I would suffer, um. So the idea that I figured out how to, you know, be like left right, left right, get out of that real fast, has, um definitely made my life much better.

Speaker 2:

Um, and then also just realizing that I am not for everyone and it's funny because um, pastor Cliff said something on the lines of um. I think it was like I'm too expensive for some people, like they can't afford me, and I mean that in the most humble way. But it's like some people, just they're not my people. I think we have to realize that, like we can't force ourselves on everyone, they're not meant for you, they're not meant to be in your life, or maybe they. Maybe they meant to be in your life for a season, not for you know, your whole life. I think there was a um analogy going around where it was like telling hot like a tree, and it was like some people that like leaf, and they'll just fall off, and some of our branches, they'll be there for a little bit longer, and then some are, you know, roots and those are your friends. Your childhood friends are the ones that are gonna be there forever. So just something to think about. Like, if you have people in your life and it's like they're not bringing anything to you or, uh, you know learning from them, um, and they're not adding to you, they're not challenging you, they're not supporting you, they're not correcting you you may need to reevaluate your friends for 2024. I'm just saying, um.

Speaker 2:

And then something else was um, I have been battling and if you watch me on social media you know I've mentioned it before with my ego and my pride and all kinds of same thing. But you know, and I honestly didn't realize how much of a struggle it was until, I think, getting with Aaron and allow him, um, calling it out, when that is, you know, the case, when it's just nothing but my ego kicking in and that's the reason why, um, I'm not doing something. Or, you know, I want to handle the situation a certain way, um, and then it's crazy because Patrick Cliff preached, preached about it on Wednesday, and I just saw so many examples of where it's like dang, yeah, I'm battling and literally it's crazy, because I feel like my relationship with Christ has definitely grown to this moment where I feel like my flesh and, I would say, the Holy Spirit are real life battling, like I know I cannot, like, I'm like why am I doing this? Why is this so hard? And I'm like that is the flesh and the reason why I know that it's the flesh and I feel like it's because I put myself in God's presence and I listen to the Holy Spirit and I'm sensitive to it. So it's like I know when I'm like, what am I doing? Like, let's stop and let's redo this. So I would definitely suggest, if you are battling with pride, or even if you're not maybe you think you're not I mean to be honest with you probably are To go over to Hope Alive on Apple or Spotify, and the sermon is called Pride Can't Go and he's pretty much saying, like how we need to get rid of pride for 2023, not don't take it into 2024, so that we can experience amazing things that God has for us.

Speaker 2:

If we just let go of pride. Like pride is stopping us from getting to the next level with God, like and him fully using us, which is, I think it's just so true Because you don't realize and he breaks down some ways about pride, even the idea of not wanting to do something new because you're afraid of how he were gonna look at you. Pride, I'm like, ooh, that's me For sure, or something, that one kind of it's a battle, but I can see where I've made some progress, but I'm still learning. So pray for your girl. And then I guess my challenge to those who are listening for 2024 is don't be afraid to ask them again. Whatever it is that you've been praying about, whatever it is that you want, don't be afraid to ask them again. I feel like that's come up a couple of times for me, where I'm like, ooh, and I've asked and I've been obedient to the things that he've asked me and I feel like it's worked out, and sometimes I don't work out in my favor. Sometimes the answer's no or it's a. I feel like, maybe like a right, not right now or maybe it's a yes, but just don't be afraid to ask them again.

Speaker 2:

I think there's something beautiful when you just surrender whatever is going on and give it to him and allow him to Show you. Whatever you're praying about is something that he has for your life or not. I think a lot of times we just think, as Pastor Martha said, we're doing good things and you know we're always well, but a lot of times good things don't line up with God things and we get caught up doing the good things and not the God Things that we should be doing. So I ask him, praying, and allow him to guide you and show you and Be the, give him, allow him to give you the Footprint, how that goes. Oh, that's how that goes, the footprints, for it's true, I'm not sure if that's it, but you give it. I'm trying to say the blueprint for your life. That's what I was trying to say, I think.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, but it's in at the year. Pack yourself on the back. You, you've gotten to this point. There's some people who did not make it. Yes, this year, I'm sure, has it's up and downs, because I had it for me too. But Don't get lost in the Struggles of this year and the worries and the pain that you just forget that. You know you're. We're getting ready to get into another year and that's a blessing for sure. So I just challenge you guys you know to, you know ask him again and think about, like, what is God calling you to that you like to do and what is God calling you to that you don't like to do, that you're running from? I Feel like we kind of all have. Well, I guess, if it not running, you don't have it, but sometimes you, we're running from what God has truly called us to do. So I just challenge you guys just to stop and think about that for 124. I know for sure. You know I was writing this question and I thought about it for myself and I Think sometimes, as I mentioned earlier, those good things versus God things, I Get caught up in that.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes I get caught up in the I'm doing good because I'm volunteering and, you know, using my resources for the community, which is really what I felt like the goddess Um called me to do. But at the same time, I need to pray before, you know, I don't say signing up to volunteer necessarily, but fully committing, because a lot of them I like sit on the board or I could make I volunteer, like on a consistent basis and I'm like heavily involved and I think, before getting to that level Is what I need to be praying for, to make sure that the good things that I'm doing are God. Things are very pretty. Actually, I'd be doing God things because I'm doing a God thing, that is a good thing. That's just something, I guess, for me, maybe more so for me. But, yeah, hey, I remember I wrote this down because I remember I said it like, oh, actually, a lot of episodes ago, but anyway, um, seasons at seasoning to life, I'm gonna, in 2023, out with that. So, whatever you went through, um, just remember seasons. I mean, yeah, I said they're wrong right now, seasons at seasoning to life, that's right. Um, yeah, so I'm gonna pray for us. There's not a super long episode, but I just wanted to end with something and, yeah, heavenly Father, just wanted to say thank you, lord, thank you for the things that you have done for us.

Speaker 2:

Lord, the seen, the unseen, Lord, I Just pray for the listener that's listening today, father, that they be reminded that they're yours, they're loved, they are needed, they are wanted, they're special, they're unique. You make no mistakes, father. I pray that as we look into another year, lord them, we will Look to you to guide us through the next year, father, that will will build up on the relationship with you. We will getting your word. We will Make sure we're putting ourselves in your presence. Father, just pray that those who may just be discouraged they just Find some way somehow Back to you, lord, and allow them to realize that Joy comes in the morning and, if they connect to you, lord, that you just will allow them to have the peace. It doesn't make any sense, father. I Know because you gave it to me, lord, every day, and just wanted to say thank you, lord, once again for allowing us to make it to another year, lord, where so many didn't make it.

Speaker 2:

Fathers, as I just say thank you, thank you, thank you, jesus name, my pray, amen. So remember that You're loved, you're wanted, you are needed and there's someone out there that needs you, your story, your guidance. I Feel like everyone has something that someone else needs. It sounds crazy to say, but I just feel like we need people. We need to try. I've had to Shake my tribe up a little bit. Looks a little different. Ending 232 doesn't do, then it does Starting it, but I'm thankful for them, every last single person. If you're my tribe listening and you know who my track, thank you.

Speaker 2:

Actually, if you're listening, you're part of my tribe too. I appreciate you. Thank you for loving me, investing in me, showing up for me. It's a big deal for me. So I just say thank you and remember seasons add seasoning to life. If you're Filling a little discourage, it's not over. Keep going, keep going. Keep your your hand in God's hand and keep going. Pray and Prayer. You know, I feel like it looks different for everyone. How you talk to God may not be how I talk to God, but that's okay. Talk to my alarm for me to get up, but talk to him and allow him to study you. All right, guys? Well, that's all I have and I Love you and thank you. Peace out.

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